It has been a great semester break. quality time spent with ben and my family. and also the best birthday celebration ever! :) i can't wait for christmas and new year's eve celebration!
anyway, i am sure you guys have read about this guy called Alviss Kong who posted his facebook status of wanting to commit suicide and later on really DID actually jumped off a building, all in the name of love. *sigh* regarding that matter, i felt sort of sad reading it. i mean, i don't know the victim himself but then to know that there are a lot of people who liked his status and encouraged him to do it, hello, where is your sanity? where is your humanity? where is your compassion?
he did it because he was left by his ex whom he pursued for a few months and got rejected a few times by that same person before getting accepted. what i think is that, he was really.. silly.
being in love feels great, being rejected feels like shit. that is the truth. but if a person live through the pain of breaking up, not only he/she becomes stronger, he/she becomes wiser and mature in handling a new relationship.
that was just his second relationship. i wonder why his friends or family didn't talked him out of it. and if they did why did they not stop him or make sure he was not on top of that building?
it failed. he should have thought that there are many other girls out there who could have been better or could have love him for who he is. who knows that the next one that comes along might actually be the key to his happiness for the rest of his life? what is there in life that does not offer him hope at all? 22 years old is too young to go. all the what-ifs are never discovered. all the hopes and dreams not fulfilled. all in the name of being rejected by the one person he loved.
sometimes, before we do a rash decision, think about it. what is it that ticked us off so badly that we have to resort to such decision? and when that rash decision is a bad one, think of the possibility of something better in the future, or that your life could have been worse like those of in poverty, hunger and etc. and that sometimes, that decision could badly affect others.
him jumping off the building, i bet his ex is totally guilt ridden now. and it was in fact, also a selfish act. to put her to all the pain of knowing that he jumped off because of her.
at times we've got to be optimistic. it is all about perception. we may be down right now, but we will not be so forever. it has its ups and downs. life is just like that.
whatever it is, i hope he is in a better place. and she will find her peace.